Morning run πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Morning run πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

That really felt like the end of a tough week. Ashtanga last night was up to Urdva Mukha Paschimottanasana - so quite a long one. And I’ve definitely felt the hills this week. Right hip flexor was complaining before I set off and really moaning by mile 10. I will enjoy (and benefit from) restorative yoga tonight!

Strava Athlete Intelligence

Long run with higher relative effort, pushing into tempo and threshold zones while setting two segment third-best times on challenging terrain.

Your 11.3-mile run through Paseo del Parque y La Marina was a solid endurance effort, with 90% of time spent in the Endurance pace zone and 74% in Tempo heart rate zone. While slightly slower than your 30-day average pace, you nabbed two third-best segment achievements and maintained a consistent performance with a Relative Effort of 234.