Stride repeats 🏃‍♂️

Stride repeats 🏃‍♂️

I can’t count. I did nine instead of eight. Well, when I say “I can’t count”, I mean I can’t even read my watch prompts.

I missed Thursday’s run as my flight to Gibraltar, which should have left at 7:05, finally took off at 16:40. It was already dark before we landed. And to be frank, I was in no mood at all after nearly 10 hours in Gatwick Airport. Very generously, easyJet gave us a £6 voucher by way of compensation.

Despite the weather (it’s not stopped raining for what feels like weeks in end), I really enjoyed this, my only real goal to run the last one as fast as the first (even though I figured the last was likely to be uphill.

It was an out and back, so I should have been heading home after number four. I’ll know next time.